"The things that make me different are the things that make me, me."
AA Milne - Winnie the Pooh
Welcome to ToTheFore-Counselling -
A private client and corporate client service for those looking for Confidential, Congruent and Compassionate Counselling.
Hi, I am Rick Brooks, a qualified, integrative person-centred counsellor, registered by The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (REG No: 407414 ) under whose extensive ethical framework I practice.
The fact that you are visiting my private practice website probably means that you already know something about counselling. You may have a number of questions about it, or indeed about me as a prospective counsellor for you.
Indeed, by far, the most important part of successful counselling will be the care, empathy, and congruence that builds between you and your chosen counsellor. That relationship is so important, and each person's needs are so different, that we should only work together if we both feel that we are well-matched to achieve your goals. We have some excellent counsellors on Guernsey to whom I am more than happy to refer you if you have particular needs or if you just want to consider what they provide.
Thank you for investing the time in researching what you may feel you need and considering me as a counsellor who could be a part of your "counselling journey".
This website contains some detailed information about me, the service that I offer and my pricing structures for private clients and corporate funded clients. It also provides some high-level information about mental health and counselling in its various forms, which I hope will help you in finding the best counsellor for you and in deciding to take that next step forward.
Before diving into that, I have prepared a few short answers to FAQs that may provide a context for what follows.
So, please enjoy your visit to my website, and contact me if you believe I can help you.

Thinking you may find value in working with me?
Contact me on my secure data form
Go to Frequently Asked Questions
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